David'sCrystal Definition of Global English
definition of global language can be seen in the following video:
factors do you think that make a language to be global?
What could be a definition of Global language?
A global language is that which can be used in order to communicate in a wide variety of places and contexts. In a way it is similar to a lingua franca. But at the same time, in being used by speakers of different languages -or even speakers of the same language from different places- it has to be open-ended, to have an adaptability. A language is determined by its speakers, therefore a global language, although at first imposed by a specific language community has to blend itself to the new forms that arise in the different places where it is used.
How does David Crystal define Global language? (Crystal's article)
David Crystal has said: 'A language achieves a genuinely global
status when it develops a special role that is recognized in every
country' (Crystal). In order to be global, it cannot be a mother
tongue, but it has to be 'taken up by other countries around the
world' (Crystal). This can be done in two ways, either by granting it
a special role in political and legal matters, as it is the case of
English in countries like Ghana, Nigeria or India; or by implementing
it through the educational system as a foreign language. Such case is
the one of English in Spain. The reason why English can be considered
a global language is because of its use, not only as a L1 for native
speakers, but also as a L2 or FL, being thus employed world-wide.
global language, however, seems to have the two different sides of
the same coin. For, on the one hand, it is imposed over another
language and probably works in detriment of the latter (causing
phenomenon such as diglossia). With the linguistic power comes the
linguistic death of another language. But on the other hand, this
global language, will end up fragmenting itself. Such is the case of
English in countries like Ghana, Singapore or India where it is now
used by its populations with nationalist claims. Not only that, but
in due time (it's already happening) new varieties of English will
arise which might end up being unintellegible among themselves. The
written realm however, seems to be safe from such fragmentation with
the ominious power of Standard English. Furthermore the existence of
broadcasting like the BBC ensures the prevailance of Standard
we need to the teach English as a ‘global’ language to learners?
How can we do it?
teachers want individuals/students to become fluent in a language and
express themselves in wide variety of contexts. In other words as
Crystal claims if we want to make them able to encounter the real
English speaking world and feel confident, global English is
necessary. It is a must in the classroom.
when teaching global English in a classroom setting. The teacher must
be aware of the fact that there are two sides of English teaching:
teaching production and comprehension. Nowadays, the main impact of
global English is placed in comprehension; mainly reading and
listening. As listening comprehension is essential for Crystal there
is no dout that students should be provided with real/authentic
materials such as texts, videos, songs, movies, etc,
that represent English reality. If they aren't give real and divers
materials, they will be schoked when facing the diversity English
nowadays offers. They shouldn't listent to RP because that doesn't
represent English. English has a lot of different accents and
dialects. It is crucial to teach English bearing this idea in mind.
Crystal explains as an example the diversity of accents London has.
This is directed to pronunciation and grammar that are the main
factors that change.
Nevertheless, in production teachers can't teach all the varieties.In fact, global English doesn't have as much impact in this area. If you teach in a variety and have all the materials in this one, then of course you have to stick to that one variety. We all have to speak only one accent and one variety. So, we as teacher depending on the contextand what we've learnt, we may teach one variety or another.
we focus on the receptive skills? Why? Why not?
Our opinion about the topic
Crystal, David: "The Past, Present and Future of World English".
David:" Should English be taught as a 'global' language?".
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