Education and ways to improve nowadays Education´s paradigma

During this session we tried to define what education is paying particular attention to how education is defined by the 27.2 article of the Spanish Constitution and LOMCE. After analysing both definitions we realised that the definition included is too vague and does not corresond to reality. This fact made us reflect and agree that there is a huge problem in Spain as education is yet not taken seriously enough. If we are in this Masters is because we respect and consider education the base of a society and a key factor in the development of a country and its citizens. Being a teacher is not only transmitting knowledge but a compromise with your students as teachers are meant to guide student´s learning process.
Education´s paradigma could be improved in many
ways, although it isn´t an easy task because it´s the whole
society´s responsability, teachers can definitely improve education
in many ways. An important factor that would condition the
educational system´s sucess would be having motivated
teachers who feel passionate about teaching. This kind of
teacher would not only stick to a book, but would try to
be flexible and understand student´s
needs by introducing different methodologies and
techniques that would improve student´s learning process.

We live in a technological society and the advancement of ICT´s could be also taken into account when preparing an English class. This can be done by using different learning resourcessuch as vídeos, songs, games, films or podcasts, the combination of those and others can make a class much more interactive and enjoyable for students.
Furthermore, cooperative and team-work
learning should also be introduced into the class, by
this way students are likely to feel integrated and part of
a cohesive group. Another important thing that would
condition student´s sucess is to adapt materials for
students with special needs and to take into account diversity inside
the classroom.
who really thinks that the educational system should change is Ken
Robinson. He is an international advisor on education and he
believes in an educational system that nurtures rather than kills
creativity. I post below one of his brilliant vídeos:
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