do normally people think about gifted kids?
people think that gifted students are those who have high capacity
and, because of that, they have many facilities which allow them to get
very good marks and go beyond the rest of their classmates. The truth
is that this is not always like this, in many occasions, these
children are not recognized, they are viewed as students who are not
interested in the subject and even there are a percentage of gifted
children who have had academic failure.
are their real characteristics these kids have?
is true that these children have high intellectual capacities, and
this makes them gifted students but sometimes they are difficult to
recognize because they are children that due to their defining
characteristic, this means, due to their high capacity, they are
often bored in class and they do not want to go to school because
what they already know are studying. They are children very restless
and curious, who ask about everything to their parents and also to
their teachers. They are children who, when they have a special
interest in a subject, they love to study it and learn about it, but
if they do not have this interest, it is difficult to get them to
focus and concentrate on this topic.
should teacher identify them?
a teacher observes a child who already knows how to do something that
was explained a few sessions ago and the rest of the class does not
understand it yet, when a child says he does not want to go to school
because he is bored because he already knows what they are studying
there, when a child does not stop asking the teacher questions and
even contradicts him or her... In all these situations we can be
dealing with children with high capacities, sometimes they are seen
as pedantic children, or lazy children because they do not want to go
to school and they can even seem as rude by their way of asking and
answering, but we must be careful because we may be confusing
ourselves and what we have is a child with high capacities.
type of gifted kids exist?
can have two types of personalities, they can be divergent or
convergent. The ones that are divergent are more difficult to deal
with. When they reach adolescence, they are always questioning
authority and questioning any information they receive. On the other
hand, the convergents have a easier adolescence, the don't stand out,
they don't question everything. They normally try to please teachers
with their good behaviour or simply they just behave as any other kid
and it's very difficult to identify them.
should teachers do?
first thing teachers should do is identifying those kids. After that
they should create tasks that are more challenging for them. This
kids have a special need, they can't be taught in the same
way as the rest of their classmates. If teachers don't provide them
any challenge, these kids get bored and demotivated. Nowadays,
society luckily seems to have started working with kids
that have difficulties and there are adjusted materials and special
classes. Nevertheless, these kids have also necessities that
are completely ignored. For instance, we saw the statistics in the
Comunitat Valenciana and there are very little cases reported of
gifted people, when they know with certainty that there is a huge
there any associations?
there are many, for instance in Valencia we have AVAST (Asociación
Valenciana de apoyo al superdotado y talentoso).
opinion/ comments on the video La campana de gaus
video is very interesting, since it shows the situation of gifted
children in Spain. Their situation appears as something very
dramatic, a great percentage of them have suffered academic failure,
and they are not always detected. In addition, as we have seen in the
case of Enna, schools do not always try to make things easier for
them and solve their problems. The result from this, therefore, is
that gifted children cannot be developed as what they are. For us, a change at schools should change and schools and
teachers should try their best so that gifted children can be
developed and they can feel that they are in a good and comfortable
atmosphere in their classrooms.